Decision Making Support for Leaders

Decision Advisors works with leaders to make better decisions that optimize the outcomes.

When you clearly understand the choices in your decision, the decision is relatively straightforward to make. However, many decisions are often less clear, and the gray space separating those decisions is murky and complex. When trying to make difficult decisions, information is often lacking. Even with perfect information, the alternatives still might not be clear or one alternative doesn’t clearly win out vs. the uncertainty of all the scenarios that could play out. There is also the issue of effectiveness of decision making. That is where Decision Advisors can help improve your decision making with frameworks, expert input, analysis and facilitation that optimizes outcomes and drives profitable growth.

types of decisions

  • Ambiguous / Unclear

  • Retain or Sell the Business

  • Make vs. Buy

  • Profit Drivers

  • Supplier/Buyer Negotiations

  • Product Line Review Decision Criteria

  • Strategic partnerships

  • Organization Design

  • Merchandising

  • Distribution Choices

  • Tariff Mitigation Approaches

  • Scenario Planning

  • Direct-to-Consumer

Better decisions

that improve the outcomes

There are many factors in organizations that impede effective decision making.

What drives the decisions you’re making? Often it's short-term earnings impact, some balanced scorecard goals, driving financial metrics. We often find the leaders in an organization often cannot articulate what drives their decision making, and whether those drivers shared with the organization.

Businesses are also forward thinking, meaning they often have little time for reviewing decisions that were made. How did those projects perform relative to possible ROI targets? Did they capture market share? Improve customer traffic and conversion?

Decision Advisors will help you think through the factors driving your decision making, identify what insight is needed to make better decisions and help embed better decision making in your company's DNA.

Who We are

Decision Advisors LLC was formed in July 2020, by Joshua Gitlin. Mr. Gitlin brings over 30 years of experience working for media, pharmaceutical, CPG, e-commerce, transportation, and durable goods companies, across virtually all functions at Fortune 500 companies. Mr. Gitlin is known for delivering clarity to ambiguous and challenging business situations, crafting turnaround strategies and driving execution with the support of an organization and stakeholders that understand and own the outcomes. Decision Advisors LLC has experience driving better decision-making across a diverse set of companies, ranging from app development, retailing, e-commerce, manufacturing and service companies. Decision Advisors LLC leverages expert talent that brings specialization, perspective and execution expertise to improve your decision making.

Joshua Gitlin

phone 269.208.8019